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Welcome to the website of Joseph and Rose Barkat

Joseph and Rose Barkat have dedicated their whole lives to serving God.

Our commitment to Jesus has been our Joy. Our mission is to share Jesus in word and action. We aspire to help and support those who are in poverty through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.


Here are the following projects that we achieved successfully at the end of 2022:

-Distribution of cooked food for the victims of the flood

-Quilts and blanket distribution

-Medical camps: includes providing vitamins to support child development

-Providing shelter and clean water

-Opening new sewing centres 

-Installed 4 new water pumps: this is enough for 2 villages

-Opened new Primary schools: providing children with shoes, books, equipment, etc

-Installation of 4 new toilet facilities 

-Distributed food and blankets for the workers in the brick kiln

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